It was supposed to be relaxing.
It did end up being mostly fun, but NOT relaxing.....
Our disc dog comp on Saturday was in Buena Vista. About 3 hours from where we live so camping the night before and after seemed like the perfect idea. Until Kipp ran through a barb wire fence less than 10 minutes after we arrived at the camp site Friday night. He got his left front leg pretty good.
This is what it looked like after we cleaned it up and got it ready to bandage:
Just one of the MANY paper towels we used to stop the bleeding. My poor little boy. The cut goes from under his arm pit all the way down his leg. It's actually 3 cuts right on top of one another. Our friends and camp mates Mike and Kellie kicked ass and helped us clean up his wound, wrap him up, set up our tent, unpack our car, and probably so much more I didn't even notice during this 'emotional' time for me. You guys ROCK!!!!
We're such novices at Doggy first-aid, but between me, bf Jeff, and Mike and Kellie we ended up with this....
The bandage ended up being too tight and his little paw was swollen when we woke up in the morning. Well we didn't really sleep and I figured out there was a problem around 4:30 am if you can call that the morning. Oh, my Poor Little Boy!!
Roxy couldn't stand to see her brother in pain so she took sollace in Mike and Kellie's tent. Just because they have an air mattress doesn't mean you can leave us Ru!
Kipp decided that he was spent, and hung out the entire next morning in the tent while we got ready and packed up. The tent was the last thing to be put in the car so he could rest as much as possible.
Rockstar and her friend Maggey (who is one of Mike and Kellie's pooches) decided to get in to some trouble and find the river..... Wet doggies in the morning are WAY too much to handle.
Good thing bf Jeff scooped her up before she could reach the river and she stayed dry the entire morning! (Unlike last night!)
This is Kipp's leg the next morning. Looks about the same. He's in pain, but he's no baby! Walking around just fine. And we'll keep it bandaged with antibiotic and gauze and wrap until it's healed more. He has done a wonderful job of keeping still while I wrap it and is just being a very good boy through it all.
BUT Rockstar did still play in the competition this weekend and she took 2nd in novice while her brother cheered her on from the sidelines. He wanted to play but I think he was happy enough watching her and relaxing with us. She won a medal and a really cool candle that is sitting on our table making the kitchen smell yummy!!
I always hate when one of our dogs have gotten injured. Never thought of barbed wire before. Pretty nasty cut!
ouchies! Poor Kipp! sending good thoughts his way.
That is awful! I feel really bad for Kipp. I hope he heals up quickly and as good as new (or even better, a little wiser for the experience).
Thanks for the reminder about the worries of barbed wire. I've been living for years in a country where it is illegal.
Ha! Kipp a little wiser....good one! Just kidding-he just seems to be one of those adolescent boys that gets into trouble. He always seems to be injured too, now that I mention it.
That's interesting that BW is illegal in DN Bex. Why is that?
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